Because I feel there aren’t enough opinions on the internet, I’ve decided to start up a blog. I’ve been planning on doing it for a little while now, but have only recently been motivated enough to start it up due to a lack of employment. I can only masturbate so much. Not really.
Originally, I was going to. make this exclusively about comic books, but I figure that being my blog, I’ll write about anything that interests me. Kind of like Entertainment Tonight, but instead of tonight, it’ll be more like entertainment whenever I get around to it. But I’ll keep it primarily about comic books. Maybe. Who knows? Maybe if I get that sponsorship, this could turn into a blog about Doritos flavors.
I’ll probably also mention movies and novels of the non-graphic kind from time to time. If anyone wants to read what I think about your shitty band, you can look here:
Also, on this site, I can do things that I can’t do on the music site, like post songs without permission. Just kidding. But not really.
One more thing: I plan to mostly only discuss things that I like. There’s a lot of negativity on the internet and it’s kind of lame and easy to trash stuff without having to deal with someone face to face.
I can go on and on about why I don’t like Blackest Night in print, but I think if I met Geoff Johns, I would probably be friendly and discuss the things that I really like. Also, I hate Lead Zeppelin and the new Batman movies, so we probably differ on opinions anyway.
So, that’s that. We’ll see how this goes. I’ll see you in the future, assholes.
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