Savage Dragon is a book for that is for people who love comic books. Its not a something that will convert a non-reader, but people who are familiar with the genre and serial storytelling should be picking it up.
There's really no good jumping on point. Maybe issue 1, but it's not really necessary. Like the old Marvel Comics, you can jump on anywhere (maybe even this issue which is a Part 2) , feel like there's a lot of stuff you may not know, but enjoy it the same nonetheless.
Hell, I don't remember a lot of what's happened. It's been going on since 1992. There have been ups and downs, but after 160 issues (including the miniseries and zero issue),I'm in for the long haul. The book is episodic and long term plot lines are there to reward old readers as opposed to alienate new ones.
Erik Larsen knows the genre, and unlike Marvel or DC doesn't have to worry about keeping characters stagnant to sell movies and merch. The character is constantly evolving and...
...is not even in this issue. I mean, there are two Dragons in this issue, but one is a clone and the other is from an alternate universe. Our Dragon got offed six issues ago. Will he be back? Probably, but who knows? Larsen has gotten rid of core characters (and even core timelines) in the past. Whatever happens will serve the story.
Larsen will often try different art or storytelling methods. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they don't. This issue is one long fight sequence. It totally works. There's enough dialogue and plot throughout the banter to keep this issue interesting and move the story along. In fact, I didn't even realize that the whole issue was one fight until it was pointed out on the letters page.
I'm very happy with the way this book has picked up since Larsen stepped down from being the head of Image. Although, I do think he brought a lot of quality books and some prestige to the company, his own book suffered in scheduling, story, and art. Since he's gotten back up to speed, Savage Dragon it the best its been in years , and with this issue, it gets even better.
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