Thursday, November 4, 2010

Walking Dead

Considering this website started as a comic book site, and now has morphed into a horror (or maybe a Freddy Krueger and Melvins) site, I should really mention the new Walking Dead series on AMC.

There's really not a lot to say.  It lives up to all the hype and positive reviews.  The series is headed by Frank Darabont, who directed:

The Mist, which I would say is easily the best horror movie made in the past couple of decades (make sure you see the B&W version.  It's like 100x better than color).

The Shawshank Redemption, which I've never seen, but know a lot of people like it.

He wrote Dream Warriors of which I have nothing left to say about.  You can read more about it here.

The rest of the writing staff is comprised of Robert Kirkman, who writes the comic book series, and writers that (among other things) worked on The Shield, which is the finest television series I've ever seen.  Darabont also directed a key episode of that show.

Apart from the more than competent production staff, The Waling Dead comic book is some of the best long form storytelling that I've ever read.

So, yeah.  The first episode was great (I think they're replaying it tonight if you missed it).  This first season is only six episodes, but AMC says next season will be a full thirteen if it gets renewed.  And since this is AMC's highest-rated premiere, I can't imagine it not getting reviewed.

So, in summation: watch the show.  Read the comic.

One thing I do want to mention (and this we be a spoiler if to anyone who hasn't read the comic book) is that I thought it was a little strange that Shane seems to be a complete douchebag.  I always got the feeling that Shane was a respectable person that kind of lost it after the apocalypse.  It seems like this would give his death less of an impact if that's where the series heads.

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