Tuesday, May 14, 2013

This Book is Full of Spiders: Seriously Dude, Don't Touch It

I figured I'd review this book since I've reviewed everything else related to John Dies at the End. But then I thought: maybe I'll just review every book I read. I don't have as much time to read anymore, so it won't be a lot. Why not start a new column and review some novels without graphics? I couldn't come up with a title I liked, so I'll just use the book's title until I come up with something better. Or maybe I won't. Who knows?

I'm going to be vague while discussing plots, because I don't like to know too much going into a book. I even consider people who read the copy on the back to be Philistines. I go into that stuff with comicbooks a bit more, but that's more so I can nitpick. And also, they take about 10 minutes to read. I don't want to spoil something that you may be invested in for a couple weeks.

And I'll also review books I can't finish. Don't tell me it gets better after page 200 or in the next book. No one told me that before I started Game of Thrones or Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. It wasn't until I mentioned how shitty those books were until people started saying, "Book two is where it gets really good. You have to stick with it." Fuck you because (1) I don't believe that every book I read coincidentally gets so much better after the page I left off, and (2) even if that is the case, there are literally hundreds of books that are great from page one. If I need to suffer through hundreds of pages I don't like to get to something tolerable, it's not worth it. I don't care how many movies they make.

Anyway, on to my review of This Book is Full of Spiders: Seriously Dude, Don't Touch It, the sequel to John Dies at the End. I'm going to say that if you liked JD@TE you should like this. The horror and humor are similar. The structure's a bit different as Wong probably knew this would end up as a novel going into it. JD@TE debuted as a short online story that got several additions due to its popularity. Eventually it got published in book form. Because of the way it was written, it was naturally a lot more episodic. This one's more of a cohesive story line. The first one was probably a little more terrifying and exciting because everything was new, not only for the reader but the characters as well. Even so, I still loved this book and hope for more stories of Dave and John.


  1. People who don't capitalize Philistines are philistines.

  2. That was more of a typo than conscious decision, but thanks for the heads up.
