I'm also not critical (like many others) that the story's catalyst is similar to that of Civil War. I thought CW was unreadable and maybe could have been better if Bendis had written it. Now, maybe I'll find out.
I'm even overlooking the pretentious in-house ads. Seven years from what? Bendis started his Avengers run in mid-2004. Secret Wars started shortly before that.
What really grinds my gears is the way that Bendis kills off beloved characters without even a thought of how the fans feel. I am not talking about Hawkeye. It was cute when Hawkeye got offed in Avengers: Dissasembled. Hell, it was downright hilarious when he killed him again the following year in House of M.
What I am very upset about is that in The Siege #1, is that the entire Chicago Bears team get blown up. Totally not cool. What? Just because they haven't played that well the past couple of seasons, Marvel thinks they can kill a classic football team on one page and that no one cares. The only silver lining is that we don't know who da Bears are playing. I suppose it could be Dallas. I mean, really. No funeral with Cap and Spidey and everyone crying.
And what about one-shots? Why hasn't Marvel released special books that show different heroes reacting to this. I'm not going to be happy until I see a Da Bears: Rebirth series.
In protest, I am not going to advise a boycott. I think its going to be a really good story. Actually, I don't really care if it does suck. I'm so nerdy, I'm just giddy thinking about Cap, Iron Man, and Thor back together.
What I advise people to do is for Bears fans to go to Marvel offices and disrupt work by doing the Superbowl shuffle through the halls (possibly naked). If don't know the dance:
If that seems like too much, send mail to:
Also, anyone who thinks that that is the siiliest sports song should watch this:
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